Monday, April 6, 2009

Fun Facts about JACK

{JaNece editor} I thought it would be fun to post fun facts about Jack. So, here goes:
  • He was born on Halloween, and what a fitting name he has to go with his date of birth.
  • He has been known to eat his cereal with half and half instead of milk.
  • His favorite snack to eat is popcorn and pespi. (He still has the huge yellow popcorn bowl that he's had since I can't remember when.)
  • He has a huge car fetish. Corvettes and Mustangs. Have you seen his 3000+ sq. ft. garage that he built himself with car parts up to the ceiling?
  • He used to be a huge original Star Trek junkie.
  • He is the hardest worker I've ever known. He only sits down to eat or sleep.
  • He used to always get after us kids by saying, "socks off or shoes on" when we were outside. Guess what I say to my own kids now?
  • He can build great fires. (Grass fires, camping fires, fireplace fires.)
  • He has the smoothest, whitest legs. We used to tease him when we'd go swimming or to Lake Powell. And he's got a major farmers tan on his arms.
  • He used to play with chemicals as a kid. Ask him why he has glasses.


  1. It is amazing how we end up using those sayings from our parents with our own kids! How does he keep his legs so smooth?! I'm still trying! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing these fun facts about Jack. He's so cool!

  3. Love it!! I have heard you say socks off or shoes on!! I to have been saying that to Holden!! How funny!!! What welearn from are parents!!! can he teach me how to build a fire!! Remember I am not to good!!!

  4. This is Steve Ford or "the little boy who used to watch Brother Marshall fix cars". I just wanted to say that Jack has been a great influence in my life. He was my best friend as a kid. I have pictures of us with his elk he hunted and lots of fond memories in his garage. He is in my prayers and thoughts and I know that he can overcome anything. He also has some unfinished business with me so he can't go anywhere until I have my Jack Marshall corvette. I'm still waiting!!!;)
